Graduation Requirements


For students graduating in the classes of 2022 - 2025

I. Language Arts (8 credits)
Which must include:
English 9 (year),
English 10 (year),
English 11 (year)
English 12 (year)

II. Social Studies (7 credits)
Which must include:
World History 9 (year),
Themes of U.S. History 10 (year) or AP U.S. History (year),
Economics (Taught under business dept.),
International Geography, Government/Citizenship and Current Issues 12

III. Math (6 credits)
Which must include:
Geometry (year),
Algebra II (year)
Algebra III (year) or Applied Math (year)

IV. Science (6 credits)
Which must include:
Science 9 (year),
Biology 10 (year)
Chemistry, Physics or
Environmental Chemistry (year)

V. Fine Arts (2 credits)
Choose at least two credits from the following areas:
Music • Art • Theatre Arts • Communications • PrintWorks

VI. Physical Education/Health (3 credits)
Which must include:
PE – 9,
PE – 10,
Health – 10

VII. Careers – 9 (1 credit)

VIII. Elective Credits (15 credits)
Online and PSEO credits must be pre-approved by the high school counselor to replace any of the above courses.

One semester = One credit

Contact: Crystal Sobotta