If you happen to be cleaning out your personal book library or helping family or friends go through theirs, please consider donating your books that appeal to Junior and Senior High students. We are looking for fairly recent fiction and nonfiction books that are gently used and in good condition that our students and surrounding communities can enjoy. We would circulate them throughout the Selco System. We have recently started weeding through our collection and are in need of replenishing it.
I would also like to invite you to look at the addition of the Media Center page on our school website. It has information about how to access books in the Selco System and in a new site called MackinVIA. If you are having some issues with your Chromebook, there are some suggestions you may try to fix the issues. For instance, if your Wi-Fi connection will not stay connected to your home Wi-Fi you might need to update your Chromebook following the step-by-step directions provided.
Please visit: https://sites.google.com/hsd29...
Once on this website, clickable links for “Home” and “Chromebook Issues” are found in the upper right-hand corner. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email Cindy Flatin, Library Professional. Her work email is listed on the “Home” page of the Media Center site.