Frequently Asked Questions
Where is Summit Learning Center?
SLC is located in Houston, Minnesota on the West end of Houston High School. We also have access from our site into the high school where we can use the library facilities, lunch program, or take some classes in the high school.
How do I become a student at SLC?
To become a student at SLC you have to meet one of the State of Minnesota criteria. Your first step would be to contact your school counselor who has access, to our website, to our referral form. Once the referral is signed and sent to SLC, we will review it and make the appropriate contacts to determine whether or not you are eligible to become a SLC student.
How long is a typical day at Summit?
Our day starts at 9 a.m. and ends at 3 p.m.
How is Summit Learning Center different from a traditional high school?
At Summit we have an individualized approach to learning. Rather than the lecture type instruction that is common in most high schools throughout the United States, we individualize our program based on student abilities and needs. Students attending SLC receive a Houston High School diploma with the same credit requirements as Houston High School students. The main difference is that we work one-on-one with students who may need the assistance. We typically serve 30 students in a school year, thereby allowing us to be more individualized in our approach.
How often do we receive report cards?
Grades are given at SLC every three weeks. For those students who have completed all the requirements for that three week period, including no library fines or overdue books, no money owed to the lunch program, and no time to make up at SLC will be eligible to leave at noon on that third Friday as a reward for work well done.
Where do we eat lunch at SLC?
We use the high school lunch program. We go down as a group and pick up our hot lunch and come back to SLC and eat in small groups with our friends. After we have eaten and cleaned our area, then with the time that is remaining we can shoot hoops, play hacky-sac, sit and talk with friends, or do school appropriate activities.
What should I do if I come to school hungry in the morning?
Go to the high school cafeteria and eat the school breakfast by 8:50 a.m.
How do I earn credits at Summit Learning Center?
To earn credits you must complete all of the work required for each course. We are competency based which means that you complete all of the course work to get the credit. If you can complete the required work with a C average or better, regardless of how long it takes you, you will have earned that credit. In other words, if you can complete a course in 15 weeks rather than the 18 weeks in a semester, you finished a class early. So your motivation is what it takes to complete credits.
What kind of classes do you offer?
We offer all the core curriculum classes required in math, english, science, and history along with numerous electives, some of which are different than those offered in the high school. We also have our own online curriculum through OdysseyWare which will allow students to take a class or two online or with a traditional textbook and study guides. To see a full list of courses offered at Summit Learning Center, hover your mouse over the Summit button at the top of the page and select Summit Curriculum.
Do we take the state tests at SLC?
Yes we do! We take the MCA Writing, Reading, Math, and Science tests which are required by the No Child Left Behind Act which is required by all students throughout the State of Minnesota. We help you with test preparation in all areas.
Do you have computers in your school?
We are 1:1 with Chromebooks. Students are provided with a username and password to access the computers. The computers are available for school work only.
Do you offer summer school?
Yes we do! If you are a high school student who has failed a course in your high school, you may come to SLC during the summer to do credit recovery (make up that credit). If you are already a SLC student, you may work ahead toward credits for your diploma.
Can I go out for sports or join the band or choir?
Yes you can! You are eligible to go out for any sport as long as you remain eligible grade wise. We encourage you to join the band or the choir if you have the interest.
Can I leave school at lunch time?
NO! We have, as the high school has, a closed campus for lunch. The only exception would be if you live in town and you provide a signed parent note which would allow you to go home and eat lunch. Remember that we will call you periodically to make sure that that is what you are doing. If you are not, that privilege will be revoked immediately.
Who do you have on staff?
Mr. Lundberg is our principal. Mr. Hungerholt and Ms. Felten are our teachers, Ms. Daoust is our special education teacher, and Ms. Geiwitz is our paraprofessional.
What is an easy way to communicate with SLC?
Use our email and phone number which can be found on the website.
Do you have a nurse and/or a counselor at SLC?
Yes we share the school nurse and the high school counselor from Houston Public Schools. They are available at any time, all we need to do is make a phone call if you need to see the nurse or to talk to the counselor.
What is a shared student?
Someone who takes classes both at Houston High School and Summit Learning Center.
What is Independent Study?
We are a state approved Independent Study site along with our regular full time status. To be eligible for independent study, you must be a junior or senior with a job or a baby which requires your care. Independent study is not an easy route to take. Those that have gone this route find that they need to be self motivated to be successful. Independent study requires that you be at school a minimum of 6 hours per week with you doing homework the other days of the week at home. It requires parent permission, SLC staff permission and it also requires you and your parent to sign a contract indicating that you will follow the required guidelines.