Summit Learning Center Course Offerings
The following is a list of all courses offered at Summit Learning Center. We offer a variety of courses that meet the requirements of Houston Public Schools and also include courses that will be of interests to our students.
050100 English 9 A Exploring Lit
050101 English 9 B Exploring Lit
050102 English 10 Writing A
050103 English 10 Speech B
050104 English 11 A American Lit
050105 English 11 B American Lit
050106 English 12 A World Lit
050107 English 12 B World Lit
050108 ita English 9 A
050109 ita English 9 B
050110 ita English 10 Writing A
050111 ita English 10 Speech B
050112 ita English 11 A
050113 ita English 11 B
050114 ita English 12 A
050115 ita English 12 B
050300 Lit. for Appreciation 1
050301 Lit. for Appreciation 2
050304 Short Stories A
050305 Short Stories B
050306 Life Skills English
050117 Authors of the World
050307 English for the World of Work
050302 Poetry
050310 English IV C
050311 English IV D
110504 Math Concepts A
110506 Math Concepts B
110502 Consumer Math
111102 Life Skills Math
111103 AGS Pre-Algebra A
111104 AGS Pre-Algebra B
111105 H.S. Algebra A
111106 H.S. Algebra B
111200 Advanced H.S. Algebra-A
111201 Advanced H.S. Algebra B
111300 AGS Geometry A
111301 AGS Geometry B
111302 OW Algebra I C
111303 OW Algebra I D
110308 OW Consumer Math C
110309 OW Consumer Math D
111304 OW Geometry C
111305 OW Geometry D
111307 Math Topics
119992 Math for the World of Work
151000 Civics A
151001 Civics B
150800 American History A
150801 American History B
150600 Economics
151601 AGS Economics
150601 OW Economics C
150602 OW Economics D
151002 American Government
150904 OW American Government C
150905 OW American Government D
150700 International Geography
150701 World History A
150702 World History B
150908 OW World History C
150909 OW World History D
150802 AGS American History A
150803 AGS American History B
150707 OW World Geography C
150708 OW World Geography D
150906 OW U.S. History C
150907 OW U.S. History D
130310 AGS Physical Science
130412 AGS Earth Science A
130413 AGS Earth Science B
130311 Physical Science A
130312 Physical Science B
130313 OW Physical Science C
130314 OW Physical Science D
130216 AGS Biology
130218 Biology A
130219 Biology B
130501 Environ. Science A
130502 Environ. Science B
130220 Earth Science A
130221 Earth Science B
130414 OW Earth Science C
130415 OW Earth Science D
130416 OW Biology C
130417 OW Biology D
Health/Phy. Education
080101 Health
080103 Phy. Education 9 A
080104 Phy. Education 9 B
080105 Phy. Education 10 A
080106 Phy. Education 10 B
080115 Physical Education Wellness I
080116 Physical Education Wellness II
080107 OW Health Quest C
080108 OW Health Quest D
080117 OW Physical Fitness
080102 Perspectives in Health
080113 OW High School Health C
080114 OW High School Health D
080100 AGS Life Skills Health
300100 Keyboarding A
300110 Keyboarding B
171900 Crafts A
171901 Crafts B
171902 Crafts C
000755 Careers
160300 Study Skills
151200 Sociology
151103 Psychology
150705 Research
150706 U.S. Research
150704 Ethnic Studies
171501 Community Service A
171502 Community Service B
171507 Character Development
171503 School to Work 1A
171504 School to Work 1B
151505 School to Work 2A
171506 School to Work 2B
171511 Work Based Learning 1
171513 Work Based Learning 2
110505 Basic Skills Math A
110506 Basic Skills Math B
300216 Food for Today
300200 Everyday Life Skills
300205 Mythology
050303 Journalism
300501 Teacher Assistant
300210 Applying Life Skills
300215 Food, Nutrition, & Wellness
080111 Nutrition and Wellness
080109 OW Personal & Family Living C
080110 OW Personal & Family Living D
300217 Animal Science
050312 Creative Writing
050302 Poetry
151104 OW Psychology
171508 Theater Arts
171509 Theater Arts II
050117 Authors of the World
150703 Current Events
050308 OW Essentials of Communication C
050309 OW Essentials of Communication D
151104 OW Psychology
150900 OW Civil War C
150901 OW Civil War D
150910 OW 20th Century American History
090121 Parenting
300206 OW Digital Arts
300217 Animal Science
050400 OW Spanish C
050401 OW Spanish D
111306 OW Integrated Math C
130300 OW Chemistry C
130301 OW Chemistry D
130302 OW Physics C
150900 OW Vietnam C
150901 OW Vietnam D
150910 OW 20th Century History
151602 AGS General Science
160400 OW Music Appreciation